Skin Resurfacing
Prescott ‑ Prescott Valley ‑ Cottonwood
Dermabrasion is a technique of mechanically abrading the skin surface to smooth out irregular areas. It can be used to blend scars into surrounding tissue. It is also commonly used for decreasing or removing wrinkles in smaller areas of the face such as the upper lip. Local anesthetic is used to completely numb the area to be treated. Dermabrasion is performed by Dr. Ray Johnson.
Our practice has a Sciton Laser that uses erbium/YAG to perform resurfacing. The laser can be used to resurface the entire face tightening the skin and removing a majority of wrinkled areas. A numbing cream is used along with local anesthetic injections so that the procedure can be performed with minimal discomfort. Oral sedation is sometimes used for sedation during the procedures. The erbium/YAG puts less heat into the skin and recovery is usually less painful and shorter. Usually most of the treated areas will be healed within 7-10 days and the skin will be pink for another week or so.
It is important to avoid sun exposure after a laser resurfacing until all the redness has completely faded. Makeup can be used to help with the pink color once the skin has healed.

We also provide a variety of in-office cosmetic and laser procedures.