Benign Lesions
Prescott ‑ Prescott Valley ‑ Cottonwood
AKs are sun damaged skin that is rough or scaly.
SKs are waxy, pasted-on lesions that are slow growing. These can sometimes mimic skin cancer but the experienced dermatologist can usually identify them by history and visual appearance. Sunspots or age spots are flat and generally do not need biopsy.
Lesions can also be removed with shave biopsy technique. Cysts form from glands in the skin and slowly continue to enlarge. They are generally excised under local anesthesia but are occasionally injected with Triamcinalone, a steroid preparation.
Lipomas are a mass that slowly grows and are normal fat tissue. There is no good explanation about why lipomas occur but excision under local anesthesia or liposuction are the two methods of treatment.

We also provide a variety of in-office cosmetic and laser procedures.