Belotero Balance®
Prescott ‑ Prescott Valley ‑ Cottonwood
What is Belotero Balance®?
Belotero® is a dermal filler made from hyaluronic acid, naturally found in your skin, but diminishes as you age. It is safe and effective at smoothing and adding volume to the skin’s surface. Belotero® binds with the water in your dermis and helps fills in lines and wrinkles, with immediate results.

What results should I expect?
Belotero® corrects deep creases just as effectively as it does treating small lines. It is effective in creases like the nasolabial folds, the lines from the side of your nose to the corners of your mouth, known as laugh lines. The fine lines you find above your lip are also effectively filled. The area known as tear troughs, the depressions under your eyes, benefits from filling in.

Why choose Belotero® over other hyaluronic acid fillers?
Juvederm® and Restylane® are popular dermal fillers. Belotero® contains hyaluronic acid as does its competitors, it is a different composition making it unique. Belotoro® does not create a visable or palpable “bump”. Belotero does not have the Tyndall effect, the bluish discoloration, when the filler is injected superficially as when correcting the tear trough areas.
How long does Belotero Balance® last?
The improvements you see from Belotero® will last for approximately 8 months. Patients have different results but you should expect to get two injections a year.
How much does Belotero® cost?
$420 per syringe. The number of syringes will depend on the patient’s goals for results.
We also provide a variety of in-office cosmetic and laser procedures.